Please be aware that there is currently an issue connecting to PayPal. All purchases will time out - we are working with the appropriate parties to resolve this.
In the interim, you can place orders by phone or fax to (08) 8383 0997.
Please be aware that there is currently an issue shipping to PO (Post Office) Boxes when not using a PayPal ® account.
We are working with PayPal ® to resolve this issue, however, in the meantime, please do not use a PO Box for delivery.
Thank you for your understanding and patience. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
If you want to work around the issue, there is a fix.

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- Please enable JavaScript (not the same as Java). You need it to complete your order.
Wine List & Order Form
Click on a wine for information, or and phone/email/mail in your order. Leave blank for quantities of zero
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